Having a pre planned tennis warm up is essential. Here’s a brand new warm up routine that you can use before ANY of your workouts in any workout program. Before exercising it is important to raise your heart rate, activate your key muscle groups, mobilize your key joints, and perform some tennis related movements to get you ready to perform. It’s a quick 10 minute routine to get you warmed up before you get to the real action. Enjoy!
Do This Quick Warm Up Before Exercising
Raise your heart rate with:
- 25 jumping jacks
- Light jog across the court from sideline to sideline two times. To warm up the upper body you can add arm swings across the body and alternating arm reaches.
- Side shuffle two times from sideline to sideline.
Activate your key muscle groups:
- 20 arm circles forwards and reverse. Start with small arms circles and gradually increase the range of motion.
- 5 YTWs with or without a resistance band.
- Monster walks from sideline to sideline with or without a band.
Mobilize your key joints:
- 20 twists keeping your toes pointing forwards throughout the exercise.
- 10 squats with feet shoulder width apart and your hands behind your head to promote good form.
- Lunges from sideline to sideline with knees tracking over heels. Add rotation for more of a challenge.
- 20 knee hugs from sideline to sideline. For more advanced go onto tip toes or go down into a lunge.
- 20 dancers where you hold your quad and your opposite arm reaches up overhead.
- 20 heel sweeps or single leg arabesque with your arms out wide.
Perform tennis related movements prior to hitting tennis balls.
- Shadow stroke forehands and backhands from sideline to sideline.
- Shadow stroke volleys and overheads from sideline to sideline.
- Reaction ball tosses or lateral ball catches with a partner for up to 30 seconds.

Dynamic Tennis Warm Up for Match Preparation
Thank you for taking the time to go through this quick tennis warm up routine. If you enjoyed it you may also enjoy the 6 essential core exercises for tennis players and our quick stretch routine for post match play.
When doing any tennis or home workouts, do take precaution to exercise in a safe environment, and if you need help or you’re not seeing results, I suggest seeing a health and fitness professional to give you tailored advice on your exercise form and dietary needs. I am not a medical professional and what I share on my platforms are my views and what has worked for myself. Your health and safety is the utmost importance so find out what works for you.
The video is extremely helpful and I will try this next time out. Thank you.