The Reno Tennis Center is exactly what its name implies a tennis and pickleball center for the city. By overseeing the operations of the RTC it allows us to breathe new life and energy into a Reno city landmark. Its location and accessibility can pave the way for building an athletic center open to a diverse population. Racquet sports and fitness shouldn’t be exclusive. The RTC has the ability to include all demographics in one central locale. It is the pulse of everyone who places themselves at the Reno Tennis Center, and the much-needed financial assistance, that will breathe life, and energy, into this community center.
Our goal is to fundraise and provide Corporate Sponsorships (Examples include logos on windscreens, court banners, net signs, and other marketing.) to help improve the center. If you are a member thank you for your support! If you are able to donate thank you! If you know of an organization or business that is interested in increasing their exposure in the Reno market while adding value to the community, please let us know.
This presentation for improving the Reno Tennis Center is simply a dream plan. All proposals are subject to approval by the City of Reno. Projected cost figures provided are estimates and subject to change.
Last Year’s Improvements
Time sure does fly, it’s been a little over a year and it’s been a pleasure serving everyone at the Reno Tennis Center. Here are some of the items we were able to make happen last year with the City of Reno.
- Brought the business online which includes court reservations, registrations, and payments.
- Formed new strategic partnerships to provide scholarship opportunities for people in the community who want to participate in racquet and paddle sports but are unable to afford it.
- Installed cameras for our players to see the current court conditions online.
- Replaced all the lights on courts 1, 2, 5 & 6.
- Installed new locks on bathroom doors for security. The locks are on timer, so bathrooms remain accessible for players during playing hours and locked overnight.
- Made new relationships which led to new events being hosted such as a community days, Senior Pickleball Games, and Jr Team Tennis. Along with our long-standing events through Sierra Junior Tennis Association such as Tennis Buddies.
- Launched new pickleball programs for the community which include drill classes, camps, and leagues.
- Purchased tennis and pickleball ball machines that are available to rent.
- Made purchases to maintain the nets, screens, and courts. (Such as snow blower and leaf blower)
- Employed office staff to work year-round at the center. (Weather permitting)
Now let’s jump into areas for improvement at the Reno Tennis Center. This is not an all-inclusive list. Please share your thoughts below by leaving a comment. Your comments will be taken into account as we prepare for the community meeting taking place at the Reno Tennis Center on February 26th at 2 pm.
Court Resurfacing
Presently, the Reno Tennis Center consists of 14 tennis courts, 8 fixed pickleball courts, and 8 blended lined pickleball courts. Today, the four back courts in the tennis center are in need of complete resurfacing. In order to provide the most value to the community we have proposed expanding court availability to both tennis and pickleball players.
With the City of Reno, Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation, and our community leaders help we anticipate the Reno Tennis Center to receive funding for improvements this year. Funding will help resurface the back four courts which are 13-16. We are hopeful that construction will begin this spring.
Courts 13 & 14 Current Condition
- New post tension concrete foundation on courts 13 and 14 (Similar to courts (3, 4, 7 & 8)
- Two coats of paint and line striping
- Blended pickleball lines on both tennis courts (4 blended pickleball courts total)
- Two new tennis nets
- Four new heavy duty portable pickleball nets
- Two screen dividers and up to 3 additional posts (Divider runs between courts 13 & 14)
Projected Costs
- ~$475,000 (Waiting on funding. Anticipated to begin construction this Spring.)
Courts 15 & 16 Current Condition
How Court 15 & 16 Finished Concept Will Look…
- New post tension concrete foundation on courts 15 & 16 into six fixed pickleball courts
- Feedback: Six fixed pickleball courts with chain link fence separating the courts would be a higher quality product.
- Two coats of paint and line striping
- Six new pickleball posts and nets
- Chain link fence separating the courts. Additional posts will be needed.
Projected Costs
- ~$525,000 (Waiting on funding. Anticipated to begin construction this Spring.)
Fixed Shade Structures
Currently there is a canopy that provides shade to 25% of the center. It runs down the center of the Reno Tennis Center between courts 1, 2, 3 and 4. It is where the community socializes, athletes take breaks between matches, and spectators watch games.
Extend Fixed Canopy
- Six 60 ft by 12 ft fixed canopies running down the remainder of the Reno Tennis Center.
- Feedback: see if the canopies can block 100% of the light while being able to withstand high winds.
- Feedback: Install fixed canopy on the front left side of the center as you enter the Reno Tennis Center. This can be used as an area for staff to utilize for checking in players and for the community to gather and relax.
- Benches/bleachers for players/spectators along the center aisle of the center (that don’t obstruct the walkway).
Projected Costs
- ~$125,000 (For the shaded structures)
- ~$260,000 (For the installation by a private company)
We are hoping we can work with the city to make this a public works project to bring down the installation cost.
Wind Protection
We live in a windy area with the Reno Tennis Center residing next to the relatively flat Washoe County Golf Course. Here is our proposal to improve the playing experience for the community while beautifying the center.
- Eleven 120 ft by 9 ft windscreens to span across the length of two tennis courts
- Immediate need is four of the above windscreens to complete the center.
Projected Costs
- $42,600
- Cost for four windscreens ~$15,500
We would like to utilize any new windscreens to help offset current and future costs through Corporate Sponsorship. (Marketing organizations and companies on the windscreens.)
Improving Hitting Wall
Currently we have a cement wall spanning across court 13 and 14. It needs some repairs and freshening up.
Wall Crack Repair and Mural
- Cement and crack repair on existing cement wall
- Painted mural by local artist
- We would like to incorporate silhouettes and targets into the mural for added utility for players.
Projected Costs
- $15,000+
Improving the Restrooms
Our restrooms serve their purpose however with participation growing improvements can be made.
List of Improvements
- Expanding to two stalls in the lady’s restroom
- Installing privacy doors around stalls and urinals
- Installing soap dispensers
Projected Costs
- Determined by the City of Reno
- Cost is minimal for the soap dispensers. The dispensers need to be purchased and the city will install them. The soap will be purchased and refilled by our staff. A big concern is vandalism which is why city restrooms typically don’t have soap dispensers.
Additional Gate Entrances
Having additional gate entrances on courts 9 and 10 would making getting to pickleball courts more convenient and decrease the number of distributions for players.
List of Improvements
- Install two walk-in gates (cut into existing fence) at the Northeast & Southwest side corners of courts 9 & 10.
- Requires install of vertical posts and rails for gate openings.
Projected Costs
- ~$4,200 (install of vertical posts and rails for gate openings.)
- In order to be approved by the City of Reno the gates would probably need to be ADA compliant. Which would mean ramps for each gate. The cost of which is unknown.
Fix Existing Fences
Some of the fencing is original to the center and has bent in segments due to the high winds over the years.
List of Improvements
- Fix or reinforce fences on Court 4 (South End) and Court 7 (North End).
Projected Costs
- Unknown
Court Crack Repair
Many of the courts at the Reno Tennis Center haven’t been resurfaced or repaired in many years. Specifically, courts 1, 2, 5, 6, 11 and 12. (The back 4 courts are left out as court resurfacing is anticipated to take place this year.) This has left long stretches of cracks throughout the courts that need to be addressed.
List of Improvements
- Crack repair on courts 1, 2, 5, 6, 11, and 12. Remove existing membrane, fill cracks, recoat repaired areas, and replace striping as necessary.
Projected Costs
- ~$35,000
Other Suggested Improvements from the Community
- Metal signs over every gate entrance specifying court numbers (each sign would presumably be a little overhead diagram so people know which is court 1 and which is court 2, etc). Or maybe just a single metal sign showing an overhead map of all courts. (Metal or any other permanent material.)
- Notes: Maybe able to include in corporate sponsorship package(s).
- More frequent cleaning of dust-off courts would help maintain their grit texture after they are resurfaced.
- Notes: Implement schedule for when courts are to be blown off and block courts off accordingly on court reservation system.
- Wall between the courts and the street to block sound of traffic.
- Indoor courts for the community.
Business Needs for 2023
- Additional tennis and pickleball pros (preferably 30+ hours a week) to be able to service our players, bring about more playing opportunities, and improve consistency in programming throughout the year. (Such as events for tennis and pickleball. Pickleball leagues and team competitions.)
- Streamline programming on the same system (TopDog) for player and staff convenience.
- Discover and enlist a grant writer. Historically, applying for grants and funding has been the greatest contribution to renovating the center.
- Build community at the center to reach goals set by the community.
Let Us Know What You Think
This list of improvements is what the center could use in the short term. We are hopeful that we can get many of these items completed. However, we can’t do it alone. We could use your help whether it’s in the form of becoming a member, a donation, a corporate sponsorship or simply helping us improve the center in any way possible. Let us know what you think by leaving a comment below and let us know if there are other opportunities. We will be having a community meeting at the Reno Tennis Center on February 26th at 2 pm to go over plans for the center this year where you can attend as well. So, mark the date on your calendar and swing on by.
The eight permanent pickleball courts are too close together. The nets are a tripping and safety hazard and the dimensions are too small for advanced or sanctioned tournament play. Please create six proper pickleball courts where the temporary courts currently are with chain link fence between each court. Quality is more important than quantity. Players will go to where the best quality courts are.
That being said, the tremendous success of pickleball at the Reno convention center shows that this city can easily fill 23+ pickleball courts all day every day when the weather is good, probably even significantly more than that. If you turned the other back three sections into 6 pickleball courts each plus the existing cramped 8 courts for drilling or beginners, that would be 26 pickleball courts which you could probably easily fill when the weather is nice and would be a good venue for holding tournaments.
Thanks Jeff, you make a valid point regarding 8 courts being too tight for competitive play. I agree 6 courts would be better quality. Pickleball is growing very rapidly, and I predict the demand is going to keep growing. We also want to service the tennis community as well. There is vacant land to the Northeast of the center on the golf course that maybe available to construct new courts in the future. I will update this post to reflect the feedback we receive, and after the meeting I will share all the feedback with the city.
Hi Randy! Just some additional things to consider –
1) I would love to see the canopy block 100% sunlight instead of just blocking partial, if that is possible to do without making it come down in high wind.
2) Metal signs over every gate entrance specifying court numbers (each sign would presumably be a little overhead diagram so people know which is court 1 and which is court 2, etc). Or maybe just a single metal sign showing an overhead map of all courts. (Metal or any other permanent material.) I’m used to the court numbering, but newcomers never know where courts are, and the current signs don’t really jump out even when people are looking for them.
3) More frequent cleaning of dust off courts would help maintain their grit texture after they are resurfaced.
4) Your other priorities right now are more important, but maybe in the long run, a wall between the courts and the street to block sound of traffic? Definitely expensive but in my opinion would be a total game changer for those courts.
Awesome thank you for the feedback. All of the suggestions would improve the center. I will add them for the meeting.
Randy, thanks for all the good communication here, and for holding a meeting, which I plan to attend. I applaud the priorities here, all of them make sense and are needed. In the end, there’s always going to be something more to do, but here are just two things on my mind:
1. Court conditions should always be Priority 1, as I think you have them here. Nothing is more important than having quality and safe courts to play on.
2. Please, please reconsider the plan for courts 13 and 14. On Saturday morning, for example, all of the tennis courts were filled. There is plenty of demand for tennis, even with the growth of pickleball. The walls are super-important to those of us who do a lot of solo practice. And putting pickleball lines on a tennis court, as you know, make it VERY difficult for tennis players. It becomes a maze of lines. Pickleball players have indoor options; tennis players in Reno do not. Why not just make Courts 15 and 16 permanent pickleball areas and Courts 13 and 14 permanent tennis areas? With complete new courts, everyone will be happy. Thanks for listening!
1st: Maybe some electrical work to get an outlet (or outlets) on some of the farther courts. That way the ball machine can be used without disrupting some of the more “in-demand” courts. Or a 200-foot extension cord.
2nd: It would be nice to have an off switch on the lights, that way they don’t stay on while nobody is there.
Randy, I just feel that adding pickleball lines to 13 & 14 is again taking more courts away from tennis. I wish you could build more courts just for pickleball and not take away existing tennis courts. Then repair/ resurface (would love post tension on all tennis courts) all existing tennis courts. In this town it is difficult to find open tennis courts in prime hours for everyone that wants to play.
Please consider putting nets or half fences up between courts or designating specific courts for lessons / ball machines . It is dangerous and frustrating to try to play when a lesson is on the next court and balls are constantly rolling over.
Hi Randy,
The intended improvements sound good and are definitely needed.
However, a few questions/concerns: with the increase in pickleball courts, tennis leagues and activities, parking seems to becoming a problem. Any plans or ability to expand parking?
The bathrooms (at least the women’s) used to have 2 stalls. Was one of the stalls removed for ADA accessibility? I don’t understand how the bathrooms would be updated knowing one stall was removed in the past. I fully support soap dispensers! If unable to have dispensers on the wall, then large refill bottles should be purchased and smaller bottles refilled.
Has it been thought about to have an AED on the property and available for use (and staff training on useage) should the unthinkable happen and it be needed. I realize there is a logistic problem on where one could be located, be accessible if needed and not be a target for vandalism.
I have taken lessons and played tennis at RTC for many years now and then am looking forward to the improvements to the facility.
Thank you for the opportunity to add input.
Thanks so much for the opportunity to chime in.
I do believe tennis players and pickleballers can get along but dual usage/dual lined courts are not the solution. They are user-friendly to no one. I defer to others’ opinions above on which courts are purposed for which sport.
Also, parking is a big problem and will only grow if more pickleball courts are added, so we must plan accordingly. Any chance we could build a two- (or three-) story parking structure with perhaps some pickleball courts on the roof? Two birds, one stone.
My two cents. Thanks so much.