We all want to improve our tennis game and you can by improving your fitness. Tennis players should be focusing on their core. Abs Abs Abs! Everyone wants those defined abs and tennis players do so much rotational movement that a solid core is essential. If your core is weak you run the risk of overuse injuries.
So here are 6 core exercises for tennis every player should do to improve their game. Enjoy the workout guys!
Essential Core Exercises for Tennis Players
Bird Dog
Do three sets of bird dogs and hold for five seconds. Make sure to alternate sides.

Hold an active plank for two sets of twenty seconds. Once complete, hold an active plank with an arm raise. Do three sets of five second hold with each arm. Lastly, do three sets of plank opposites where you hold out an extended opposite arm and leg for five seconds.
Shoulder Taps
Get into push up position and raise an arm to tap your opposite shoulder. Do one set of twenty total taps.
Side Planks
Get into a side plank by supporting your weight with your forearm. Do two sets of twenty seconds on each side. Once complete, hold your side plank and do leg raises, lifting the non supporting leg three times with five second holds. Make sure to do both sides.

Glute Bridge
Lay down on your back with your knees up and hands placed on the ground near your waist. Do double leg glute bridges for one set of ten reps pausing at the top. Once complete, do single leg glute bridges for one set of five reps pausing at the top.

Dead Bugs
Lay down on your back with your arms and knees pointed to the sky. Do one set of dead bugs for five reps each way. (Right right, left left, opposites, both arms and legs together)

How was the Core Workout?
Let me know what you thought of the core workout and how it will impact your tennis. If you liked it make sure to check out the quick tennis warm up routine and the post match stretch routine for tennis players.
When following any of my posts or videos, please take precaution to exercise in a safe environment, and I highly suggest seeing a health and fitness professional to give you advice on your exercise form and dietary needs. Every person is unique and there is no one size fits all solution to health or fitness. I am not a medical professional and your health and safety is the utmost importance.
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