Tennis mistakes happen…
Making mistakes in tennis is normal and it is important to have mental toughness to overcome those mistakes. It doesn’t matter your level, total beginners to tour players, mistakes are unavoidable and happen all the time. Every sport whether its basketball, baseball, or golf missing happens. What is more shocking is how some tennis players don’t want to accept that making mistakes is part of the sport.
Often times tennis players believe that missing the ball is due to something that went wrong and that it can be fixed. Tennis players think that by training more these mistakes can be eliminated. However, what actually happens is when players improve their game they move up in competition. The higher level of opponents hit higher quality balls. Due to this, mistakes follow players throughout their career… unless they continue to play players who are at a lower level. But what is the fun in that.
Understand that mistakes in tennis are inevitable and accept it…
Tennis is a difficult sport and is designed to be challenging. Reality is that everyone misses and everyone will continue to make mistakes. Rather than get upset at the mistakes, acknowledge that it took place, be kind to yourself, and understand that you are still developing as a player. It is just a matter of time before the next mistake happens.
Mental mistakes should be addressed…
Mental mistakes should definitely be addressed. As a tennis player it is important to have a clear image of what shot is intended to be hit prior to striking the ball. If a player is positioned deep in the court and is being run toward the sideline by his opponent. It isn’t that uncommon to see the recreational player go for a down the line winner. This is poor shot selection and a mental error. High over then net down the middle of the court or throwing up a lob is a much higher percentage choice. I’m guilty of making mental errors. Sometimes, my opponent approaches the net and I don’t provide myself with a clear image of what I intend to do. So, what happens typically, is I hit the ball hard right at the player. Rolling the ball at my opponents feet would be a much better option.
Rather than getting upset at mistakes accept them as reality. Be kind to yourself and focus your attention to developing as a player. By putting your attention on the shots you hit well, you will find joy in tennis.
Here is a quick read and video, Tennis Singles Strategy Playbook, to make smart on court decisions in singles.
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